Hanovia Ltd is an ultraviolet (UV) manufacturing company based just outside London, England and has been established since 1924. Hanovia specialises in the manufacture of UV equipment for disinfection, deozonation, dechloramination, and dechlorination and for the enhanced removal of total organic carbon ( TOC) from ultrapure applications. Other photolysis applications include the removal of NDMA and MTBE from drinking water. Hanovia has installed over 40,000 systems in more than 100 countries.
As the only UV system supplier to develop and manufacture UV lamps and monitors, Hanovia is generally recognised as the technology leader in this specialised area. Specific lamps are manufactured with enhanced spectral outputs for disinfections, dechloramination, pesticide photolysis and NDMA photolysis.
PureLine Application Optimised UV for Food & Beverage
Our PureLine range of Food & Beverage UV solutions protects your products and processes from harmful contamination from bacteria, viruses, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide and Ozone without resorting to chemicals.
Each product in the PureLine range is Application Optimised to deliver protection in a package which:
Has Proven Performance
Is Energy efficient
Integrates seamlessly into your process with hygienic designs where
PharmaLine Application Optimised UV for Pharmaceuticals
Our Pharmaline range of Pharmaceutical sector UV solutions protects your products and processes from harmful contamination against bacteria, viruses and Chlorine without resorting to chemicals.
Each product in the Pharmaline range is Application Optimised to deliver protection in a package which:
Has Proven Performance
Is Energy efficient
[*] Integrates seamlessly into your process with hygienic designs where required.
MarineLine Application Optimised UV for Marine
Our MarineLine range of UV solutions for shipboard applications are used in 3 key areas:
Ballast Water Treatment
Drinking Water Disinfection
Black water disinfection after activated sludge treatment and prior to
RASLine Application Optimised UV for Fish Farming
Characterised by rapid growth, increasing stock densities and tighter environmental regulation, the need for a chemical free disinfection process to control fish diseases and manage environmental impact has never been higher.
Our RASLine range of Fish Farming UV solutions does just that. It protects your fish, your processes and the environment from harmful contamination without resorting to chemicals.
Each product in the RASLine range is Application Optimised to deliver protection in a package which:
Has Proven Performance
Is Energy efficient
Integrates seamlessly into your process with enhanced corrosion resistant
materials where required.
RASLine UV systems can play a vital part in aquaculture installations, by destroying bacteria, viruses, protozoans, cysts, spores, unwanted algae and other microorganisms. With systems ranging from capacities of under 1m3/hr to over 2,000m3/hr, RASLine UV provides an effective barrier to unwanted organisms in aquaculture systems’ stock water.
UV Swim + SwimLine Application Optimised UV for Pools and Leisure
Our UV Swim and SwimLine ranges has been providing bather protection in the leisure industry for over 30 years. Used as both a secondary disinfection system and for the removal of Chloramines a UV system is the ideal partner for a chlorinated pool.
Ideal because it easily deals with chlorine resistant organisms such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia which are responsible for very unpleasant gastric infections, and it removes Chloramines responsible for sore eyes and respiratory problems.
Anyone who has experienced swimming in a UV treated pool will tell you how bright and clear the water is and how there are none of those acrid smell associated with Chlorine.
Each product in the UVSwim and Swimline ranges are Application Optimised to deliver protection in a package which: